Sunday, March 25, 2018

NYC March for Our Lives

As we sit in the sweet quiet of the day's session of the nine month Integrative Sound and Music Institute certificate program at the New York Open Center, the world spins on.

The streets of New York City are overflowing with dissidents protesting a collective call to action against gun violence. More than 800 March for Our Lives events took place in cities across America and dozens of locations overseas in sync to occur at around the same time.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

March Madness

Once again the heavens have lined up a spectacle.

The Pisces New Moon on March 17. Imbibed with Chiron’s healing influence. It claims to be the best opportunity for wound-healing we will receive throughout this entire year.

A temporary portal that allows us access to the darkest parts of our soul. We have to take a deep breath, be willing to be vulnerable, and bravely dive in to the core of our being.

The Spring Equinox on March 20. On this day Light and Dark are balanced. The goddess Persephone arises from the Underworld and brings back life to the northern hemisphere.

The Sun rises due East as it begins its ascent into the northern hemisphere. Aries, the first cardinal fire sign brings back the fires of life to us.

Take time today to meditate, journey and dream about what new life you want to bring into the world this year.

Mercury Retrograde starts on March 22. Luckily all the Mercury retrogrades this year are in fire signs. This will aid us to curb our enthusiasm so we feel and think before we act.

March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day. A traditional day for spiritual renewal and offering prayers for
missionaries worldwide.

Time to spin some magic.

Friday, March 9, 2018

war of art | Oscars 2018

This is reposted from the wonder | wander | women article on Medium.

Art imitates life and at the Oscars. This year more glaringly so in all the issues raised and celebrated by a select community that the world looks to as its microcosm.

Amidst the hooplah and bright lights of the Oscars both rising and reigning stars raised their voices and bent our focus on issues and concerns that have been troubling us all.